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Observer Corps - LWV governmental meeting observation programObserver Corps

Observer Corps are a structured way for individuals to exercise their right to know. They provide a valuable service to the community. They help ensure the public is aware of the decisions that impact their lives and they promote government transparency and accountability.

Observers Are The Eyes and Ears of the League

Consistent League presence at governmental meetings can add to the League's visibility and credibility. However, a League Observer is there only to observe and report back to the League, not to participate.

Objectives and Responsibilities

To monitor governmental bodies for information of importance to the League and the community/state by:

  1. Attending assigned meetings and arriving promptly.
  2. Being LWVD's “proxy eyes” in the meetings.
  3. Reporting back about the proceedings and any information regarding opportunities for League action or study, especially if the board/agency you are observing is not acting according to established procedures and purposes.

Who can be an Observer?

All members are welcome! This is a great opportunity for members new to the League, new to the DFW metroplex, or just looking for a re-occurring activity. It is important to keep in mind, that generally, observers will not provide commentary or testimony on issues on behalf of the League during these meetings.

What do Observers monitor at government meetings?

Ideally, observers are monitoring both the issues being discussed as well as the process by which they are being discussed. While not every item up for discussion will relate to a League’s priorities, ensuring that meetings are conducted in an open manner is critical to all of the League’s efforts and vital to the health of our democracy.

Observers should consider League principles and League position statements when determining which community issues might be of interest to our local League. Local policy positions are published annually in the LWV of Dallas Handbook. A summary of state and national League positions is available in our local League’s handbook, but complete position statements can be found in
In addition to monitoring the content discussed in meetings, we are interested in the decision-making process. Was it easy to find the meeting? Did the governmental body actually have a quorum? Did it seem like decisions were made in a cut-and-dry manner? Understanding Texas Open Meetings Act requirements will help observers learn the process. 


Additionally, these Texas Open Meetings Act training slides from the nonpartisan open-government 501c(3) Freedom of Information Foundation of Texas is helpful.

How do I sign-up for Observer Corps Volunteer Opportunities?

If you are interested in being a League observer, members can sign-up for specific council or commissioner court meetings on our website or contact Members must first log in to their Membership Account and select “Volunteer” to sign up for Observer slots. Or go to volunteer.

What happens after I sign-up?

Observe the meetings you selected and submit a brief report. The Observer Corps Checklist will help guide your actions before, during, and after you attend meetings. It’s always best to observe meetings in person, but it’s possible to join council and commissioner's court meetings virtually.

After you observe your meeting, please submit the Observer Corps Report Form via email to Reports will be accessible to the public on the League’s website.

City of Dallas 

Observe briefing meetings of the elected governing body for the City of Dallas. typically holds Briefing Meetings twice a month on the first and third Wednesday, at 9 AM in the Council Chambers, 6th Floor at Dallas City Hall. You can find meeting agendas, the city calendar, and information watching meetings online on the City Secretary's web page.

The Dallas County Commissioners Court 

Dallas County’s executive governing body typically meets twice a month on the first and third Tuesday, at 9 AM in the Allen Clemson Courtroom in the Dallas County Administration Building. If you wish to join the meeting virtually, you can watch the live stream on Dallas County’s CivicWeb Portal. 

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