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Womens equality day, Wednesday, August 28, 12pm-1pm in Dallas City Hall Lobby, 1500 Marilla St.

What: Women’s Equality Day, the 105th Anniversary Celebration of the 19th Amendment.
Theme: Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress
Who: The speaker will be Karen Hughes White, President & CEO of Texas Women’s Foundation
When: Wednesday, August 28, 2024 (the official date is August 26 every year. We celebrate on the City Council meeting day closest to 8/26.)
Where: Dallas City Hall Lobby, 1500 Marilla St., Dallas
Dress Code: White attire to remember the suffragettes.
Lunch: A box lunch will be provided. 
Must Register
This weekend is the 101-year anniversary of the Seneca Falls Convention, where Alice Paul first introduced the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA). The Equal Rights Amendment will enshrine equality of rights under the law, regardless of sex, in the Constitution.

More than a century later, the ERA is still not published in the US Constitution, leaving women and others across the nation vulnerable to having their rights further denied and eroded.

Tell your elected officials that we can’t wait another year for equality.

Just weeks ago, we recognized the two-year anniversary of the overturning of Roe v. Wade, one example of the devastating consequences of our rights not being protected. The ERA will prevent the further rollback of equal rights, provide a vital tool to the judicial branch to combat discrimination, and pave the way for additional legislative progress.

The ERA has met all ratification requirements but has yet to be added to the Constitution, leaving more than half the population unprotected from discrimination. This vulnerability is clear in the ongoing fights against unequal pay, workplace harassment, pregnancy discrimination, domestic violence, limited access to comprehensive health care, and more.

The good news is that there is a bipartisan congressional resolution affirming the validity of the ERA as part of the Constitution. The League is working tirelessly alongside our partners to demand federal action now, but as a constituent, your voice must be heard.

Take one minute to tell your members of Congress to act and ensure that this is our last year without the ERA. Equality and our democracy cannot wait.


Yours in the Fight,
Jessica Jones Capparell
Director of Government Affairs, League of Women Voters

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