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voter registration eventWays to Engage with LWV of Dallas

We have many opportunities for volunteers.

Please share with your family and friends and join us!

Monthly Neighborhood Unit Meetings

The Dallas League is excited to announce that unit meetings are coming back. An organizational meeting will be held this fall to determine where they will be held and when they will be scheduled.   These monthly meetings will provide you with vital information about our program priorities in a small, informal group setting. More details about our meeting to organize the units will be available soon from Eileen Rosenblum, our new Unit Coordinator. 

Monthly Connection Events

This is a new monthly evening event to cover the current “hot topics” our members are talking about.  For example, in November 2020, the meeting focused on our members’ experiences as volunteers during the voting process.  In January 2021, we talked about the Texas Legislative session and advocacy.   If you would like to help with event planning, please reach out to Paige Elphingstone by calling the office at 214-688-4125 or emailing

Monthly Advocacy Meetings 

Do you have an issue you really care about and want to learn more about what is happening in Dallas County and Texas and how to engage?  Everyone is welcome to attend the monthly evening meetings on Issues.   We are in the process of establishing working committees for each Dallas Issue with Chairs and Project Leaders and need volunteers.  Please reach out to Ashley Washington by emailing or call the office at 214-688-4125.  Scroll down to learn more about the 2021 priority issues for LWV Dallas, Texas and US.  

Voter Services

The League never stops working with Dallas County residents to educate about the voting process, registering folks to vote, and training new volunteers.  And we listen to voter experiences to help improve the voting process with our county partners, county officials and elections office administration.   If you would like to volunteer, please reach out to Elaine Campbell by calling the office at 214-688-4125 or emailing


Vote411 is our premier, national, LWV Digital Voter Guide that helps you learn about candidates and where they stand on key voter issues. Volunteers from LWV Dallas, LWV Irving and LWV Richardson invite input from candidates for the races in Dallas County.  We also develop pro and con statements for all position and bond proposals.   Candidates for each race are given the same set of questions appropriate to their race so readers can see how the candidates differ on important issues.   You can also look up your sample ballot and polling locations as you prepare to vote.  

In 2020 in Dallas County, Vote411 had 113,170 unique website users.  An increase of 143% from 2016!   If you would like to volunteer, please reach out to Elizabeth Walley by leaving a message at 214-688-4125 or emailing   

Candidate Forums

It is a League tradition to host our Dallas County candidates running for Local and State offices in Candidate Forums.  Hearing from our candidates on the key issues they will make decisions on for us, is a critical step in the voting process.   If you would like to help with planning and/or logistics, please reach out to Chelsea Keller by calling the office at 214-688-4125 or emailing  

Four General Meetings a Year 

The Susan B. Anthony Luncheon is our annual fundraising event in February.  Due to COVID, we have postponed the event until 2022, but welcome your support in 2021.  Our Annual Member Meeting is in the Spring and is key to how we operate as a volunteer organization. We also have at least two major public General Programs each year. 
If you would like to help with planning and/or logistics for any of these events, please leave a message at 214-688-4125 or email  The contacts for the Susan B. Anthony Luncheon are co-chairs Regina Montoya and Jessica Coggins. The contact for the Annual Meeting is Diane Tasian.  The contact for the General Programs is Patricia Muñoz.


When you join the Dallas League, you automatically join the Texas and US Leagues, and you will receive information on current issues and options on how you can participate.  Our League sends the VOTER newsletter once a month, and with the Texas Legislature in session, you will receive the Monday Capitol Action Report from the LWV Texas.   Scroll down to see additional information sources from the LWV Dallas, Texas and US.  

Monthly Board Meetings

In keeping with the League values of transparency and accountability, our Board meetings are open to everyone.  With COVID, we are meeting via Zoom – usually on the first Saturday of the month.  Diane Tasian chairs these meetings.   

Top Advocacy Issues for US, Texas and Dallas in 2021

Our League organizes for issues. Working committees are now forming at Dallas League. To get involved, please reach out to Ashley Washington by emailing or call the office at 214-688-4125.  Scroll down to learn more about the 2021 priority issues for LWV Dallas, Texas and US.  

League of Women Voters of Dallas

Top Priorities

  • Voting Rights & Election Law*
  • Redistricting and Census
Other Urgent:
  • Environment*
  • Health Care*
  • Education
  • Housing*
  • Immigration*
  • Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

*Volunteers Needed  Please reach out to Ashley Washington by emailing or call the office at 214-688-4125.  Scroll down to learn more about the 2021 priority issues for LWV Dallas, Texas and US.  

League of Women Voters of Texas (Austin)

Top Priorities

  • Voting Rights & Election Law
  • Redistricting and Census
Other Urgent:
  • Air Quality/Climate Change
  • Women's Health
  • Health Care - Low-income Texans and the Elderly

League of Women Voters of the US (Washington DC)

Top Priorities

  • Redistricting and Census
  • Election Reform

Other Urgent:

  • Climate Change
  • Equal Rights Ammendment
  • Justice Reform
  • National Popular Vote
  • Reproductive Choice

Useful Information Sources for Advocacy 

League of Women Voters of Dallas

  • Website Home Page (In-depth Information!)
  • Four General Meetings a Year (including Susan B. Anthony luncheon)
  • President Diane Tasian’s Member Updates, as needed


  • Board Meeting – 1st Saturday
  • Newsletter – 2nd Monday
  • Unit Meeting - selected topic
  • Membership meeting on current topic
  • Advocacy Working Committee meetings - 8 teams forming

League of Women Voters of Texas (Austin)

League of Women Voters of the US (Washington DC)