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HomeEventsVoter Reg - Owenwood Diaper Day and Food Pick Up Drive Thru

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Voter Reg - Owenwood Diaper Day and Food Pick Up Drive Thru

They serve approximately 300 people each month. Cars start lining up at 7:30 am for a 9:00 opening. While they are waiting voter registration forms can be filled out, voter registration status checked and voter info handed out. Water and juice will be provided The event will be finished by 10:30 at the latest. Note: This is a drive-thru food and diaper donation event. Volunteers need to be on their feet the whole time and walk up to cars to ask drivers if they're registered to vote, update addresses and hand out informational flyers.

Saturday, September 28, 2024, 7:30 AM until 10:30 AM
Owenwood Farm & Neighbor Space
1451 John West
Dallas, TX  75228

Event Contact(s):
Gabriela Pataro
214-240-9330 (p)
Voter Registration Event
Registration is required
Payment In Full In Advance Only
No Fee