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Rally ouside Texas Legislature

Education in Texas 

Advocacy for State Education Policies 


Join our new Advocacy Committee focused on the 88th Legislature and the bills that will impact public education and financing across the state. We need your engagement and advocacy! 

Eileen Rosenblum is our Advocacy Chair and expert.

Working Committee

Contact Eileen Rosenblum, Ph.D. Public Policy, to join this committee.
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Texas State Education Issues
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Discussion Meeting with Dr Stephanie Elizalde, Dallas ISD Superintendent, April 25, 2023

April 25, 2023, LWV Dallas members and Dallas Superintendent Stephanie Elizalde met for a discussion about how the 88th Texas Legislature could impact public education. Topics included funding public schools, vouchers, and high-quality instructional materials. Attendees were invited to ask Dr. Elizalde questions.

The Impact of Charter Schools and Vouchers on Texas' Independent School Districts

A special joint informational meeting of LWV of Dallas  and LWV of Tarrant County, December 1, 2022

Ms. Patti Everitt is a consultant on state education policy with a focus on the impact of charter schools on public education in Texas. She works with parents and organizations to develop strategies that will increase the transparency and accountability of charter schools. Patti has led efforts for local, state, and national organizations to design and implement innovative education, employment, and health initiatives for youth.

Power Point Slides (coming soon)

Zoom chat during 2022-12-01 Education meeting

The Latest Information 

From Eileen Rosenblum, Ph.D.  

LWV Dallas Education Advocacy Chair
State Level Education Issues

1. Texas on School Vouchers February 4, 2023

The Education Issues Chair, Diane Andy, for the League of Women Voters of Texas, has written a Take Action document entitled:  2023 Action Paper: Financing Public Education.

You can find it here on the Texas League Website:  
2023 Action Paper

The League of Women Voters of Texas does not support the Texas school voucher proposal and this paper discusses the reason why the League thinks this is a bad idea. 

All local Leagues, including LWV Dallas support the Texas League position  The Texas Tribune , as well as other news outlets recently reported that Governor Abbott is planning to support legislation that will provide Texas parents with tax payer spending accounts to supplement their ability to choose nonpublic education. 

In short, students in nonpublic settings on average do not achieve better academic gains than public school students and the vouchers are insufficient to help low-income students find a way out of poverty.

Finally vouchers will potentially put a strain on public school district finances.

We encourage you to write to your Texas representatives to express your opposition to tax payer spending accounts, AKA vouchers.


2. League of Women Voters of Texas School Funding Position: 

The League of Women Voters of Texas, support adequate state funding for public school to ensure that all Texas school children receive a high-quality education.

Several bills have been submitted since the legislative session began that would increase state funding to school districts according to the Texas Tribune 2/2/2023.  Currently the state funds 41% of K-12 educational cost.  

One bill provides for counting school district enrollment rather than average daily attendance.  This bill addresses the fact that since COVID, parents are more likely to keep children home from school, resulting in a decrease in the average daily attendance.  This has caused significant decreases in state funding for school districts. Counting school enrollment could increase school funding by five billion dollars. 

Another bill that has been filed increases the daily allotment for average daily attendance from $6,610 to $7,095.

In addition to increasing school district funding, there are several bills attempting to address the critical shortage of qualified teachers in the state.

Some bills would provide $10,000 yearly scholarships for students entering teacher training programs and other measures provide raises for teacher salaries.

Finally, bills have been filed to finance school safety measures. One bill would provide funds for mental health professionals on school campuses 

The League of Women Voters does not support legislation that limits the ability to talk freely about sensitive topics in the classroom or to limit the opportunity to participate in civic life. 




Background or League Texas Position

LWVTX Positions

Government. Achieve an efficient, effective, responsive state governmental system through constitutional revision and legislative action.

Public School Finance/Testing/Accountability. Promote adequate state funding for public schools to ensure that all Texas school children receive a high-quality education. Oppose a voucher system. Support achievement tests that measure individual master and proficiency for diagnostic purposes, and a fair, nonpunitive accountability system.

For more detail on the history of Texas education legislation and the actions of the League, you can read the document on this webpage:  Positions .  You will find Positions at the bottom of the purple area on the left. 

Texas Legislative Committees and Dallas County Elected Officials

The Senate has completed committee assignments. You can view Senate committee information at

The Senate Education Committee member from Dallas County is Royce West, District 23.
The Senate Finance Committee members from Dallas county are Royce West and Bob Hall, District 2. 

Senate Committee on Education


Brandon Creighton

Donna Campbell

Paul Bettencourt
Brian Birdwell
Pete Flores
Phil King
Morgan LaMantia
José Menéndez
Mayes Middleton
Tan Parker
Angela Paxton
Drew Springer
Royce West

Abby Johnston

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Sam Houston Building, 440

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