Report from the 2024 League of Women Voters National Convention
June 27 - 30, 2024, Washington DC
As a first-time attendee at a LWV national convention, I was excited and energized. Brimming with dedicated, impassioned individuals, the main ballroom was alive with vibrant energy. The breakout sessions were informative and directly relevant to our pursuit of Making Democracy Work.
Our Dallas delegation included Madge Cruse, Denita Jones, Diane Tasian, and me. Texas was well represented. The business portion of the meeting was relatively straightforward, and the keynote speaker was amazing.
The proposed Program 2024-2026, a roadmap for our future endeavors, was adopted
- Re-adoption of the Campaign for Making Democracy Work, which includes redistricting reform, voting rights protection, improving elections, money in politics, and abolishing the Electoral College.
- Retention of all LWVUS positions in the areas of Representative Government, International Relations, Natural Resources, and Social Policy as outlined in Impact on Issues.
- Concurrence with LWV of Washington state position on the Decline of Local News and Its Impact on Democracy.
- LWVUS-wide study of the Federal Judiciary.
There was an emphasis on One Person One Vote Campaign to abolish the Electoral College. This is the moonshot goal from this convention and worthy of our time to pursue.
Respectfully submitted: Sandy Thornton, President, League of Women Voters Dallas