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Date: 4/27/2024
Subject: LWVD Annual Meeting Notice
From: League of Women Voters of Dallas

Annual Meeting

The 86th League of Women Voters of Dallas Annual Meeting is coming up on Saturday, May 18th, and we want as many members as possible to attend! The hybrid meeting will be held at J. Erik Jonsson Dallas Central Library in the 1st floor Community Showcase Room and members will also be able to attend via Zoom. For in-person attendees, a boxed lunch will be provided at no cost, but a $10 donation would be appreciated. To register, click here!

The Annual Meeting is a yearly event where a quorum of 10% or more of our members vote on important League business such as:
  • Adopting a local program for the next League year
  • Electing officers, directors and members of the nominating committee
  • Adopting a budget
  • Voting on any other items that must be approved by the membership. These can include changes to LWVD Positions, amendments to bylaws, and other issues that the board would like the membership to vote on.
Additionally, at the Annual Meeting, the President presents the Myrtle Bales Bulkley, Virginia Macdonald, and President's Meritorious Awards. The Bulkley Award is given to a League member in appreciation of many years of exceptional service to the League and the community, while the Macdonald Leadership Award is given to a member who has exhibited courage in working for change and has inspired leadership in others. The President may also give the President's Meritorious Award to one or more members who are not currently serving on the board and have demonstrated devoted service to the League that is above and beyond the norm.
According to the LWVD bylaws, notice of the meeting, active standing committee reports, the proposed budget, the nominating slate, the proposed program, and any changes to bylaws or positions must be sent to members 21 days before the Annual Meeting. For members who receive emails, this message contains all of the relevant required information. LWVD sends letters to all members who have opted out of receiving emails. Below are links to the standing committee reports, the proposed budget, the nominating slate for the next year, the proposed program, and the recommended bylaws change.
The recommended bylaws amendment removes the President-elect position. The rationale is that the President-elect position is unnecessary and has been difficult to keep filled.
If you have issues viewing the files above, try logging in to the website, then returning to this email and clicking the links again. Additionally, the files can be found in the Document Library on our website, under "About Us." For additional information, members can view our most recent handbook to find LWVD's bylaws, policies, and more. A brief explanation of the budgeting process can be viewed here.
Click here to register for this important event! If you have any other questions, please email
Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy.

League of Women Voters of Dallas

6060 N. Central Expwy, Ste #500

Dallas, Texas 75206
(214) 688-4125